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From Coast to Country: Are Californians Shaping a New Tennessee?

California sky line and a Stream in Tennessee

Over the past 3-4 years, we've witnessed a significant influx of Californians moving to other states, with Tennessee ranking near the top of that list. Since establishing our business in Nashville in late 2021, we've facilitated the relocation of approximately three families a month from California to Tennessee, in addition to assisting numerous investors in transferring their funds from California to invest in Tennessee real estate.

Why Californians are flocking to Tennessee

Frequently, locals inquire about what draws Californians to Tennessee, considering the vast differences between the two states. While each individual has their own motives, we can confidently state that every client and family we've assisted had common desires:

  • A slower-paced lifestyle.

  • A state where their children can afford homes.

  • A state where their retirement income stretches further.

  • No state income tax.

  • Property rights that are upheld (unlike the diminishing rights for landlords in California).

One thing we've never heard is a desire to make Tennessee resemble California or replicate its policies, taxes, or fast-paced lifestyle. In fact, the majority of our clients moving from California seek to distance themselves from its political climate, tax burden, and hectic pace. They view Tennessee as offering a better quality of life for themselves, their families, and their businesses.

Adapting to a new state required us to quickly learn its intricacies. Our role has been to stay abreast of all developments in Middle Tennessee to keep our clients informed as they transition to unfamiliar territory. This includes everything from housing and politics to job opportunities and the latest dining spots in Nashville and middle Tennessee. We're constantly monitoring social media to gather insights, including the sometimes lively comment sections.

To our fellow Tennesseans:

Rest assured that the majority of individuals moving to Tennessee seek new beginnings and positive change, not an attempt to replicate their previous environment.

To our fellow Californians:

We can attest firsthand to the warm welcome and engaging conversations we've had with locals as we've integrated into the community. Most are intrigued by others' interest in the great state of Tennessee.

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